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Joe DuVal (August 8, 1906 – April 22, 1966) was the actor who voiced Fee Fo the Giant. He had a few uncredited parts in film which include I’ll Cry Tomorrow as Bartender, So Big as Jakob, and The Girl on the Bridge as News Vendor. His TV credits include a 1955 episode of Lux Video Theatre entitled A Bell for Adano. He also played parts here and there in radio, with shows including The Damon Runyon Theater, Four Star Playhouse, Gunsmoke, Tales of the Texas Rangers, and many others. He is immortalized as Fee Fo the Giant, though! Joe DuVal shines in this.

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The Cinnamon Bear Episode 11 – Yellow Flashing Lights
Opening: Cinnamon Bear Theme
Cinnamon Bear: And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!

Announcer: Well, last time, Judy and Jimmy and the Cinnamon Bear met Professor Wiz the Educated Owl who told them he’d seen the Crazy Quilt Dragon go into the Wintergreen Witch’s house, and what’s more, he had the silver star with him! But when they entered the house, there wasn’t a sign of Crazy Quilt. At one end of the room was a huge picture of a forest. At least they thought it was a picture, until they discovered it was a real forest. So in they went and met Fraidy Cat who was frightened to death of a giant, and right now, the giant is coming closer and closer.

Jimmy: Gee, we’re in for it alright! Come on, let’s hurry.
Judy: Do you think the giant can see us?
Cinnamon Bear: I’m not sure. He’s awful big. Maybe if we keep in the underbrush he won’t.
Fraidy Cat: Meow. I’m so scared. Meow. I’m so unlucky. Everything happens to me!
Jimmy: We’re all scared, little Fraidy Cat, but we’re gonna try to escape the giant just the same.
Cinnamon Bear: We’ll never be able to go faster than he does. He’s coming closer and closer.
Judy: Oh, dear, what’ll we do?
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, don’t step on us, Mister Giant! Please! Look out!
Giant: Of course I won’t step on you. Where are you?
Cinnamon Bear: We’re right here under this big tree.
Giant: You mean that little bush by my knee? Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Here, let me see. Yeah, you’re wayyyy down aren’t you?
Cinnamon Bear: Yes, but… please be careful. Don’t hurt us. We haven’t done anything to you.
Giant: Why, I wouldn’t think of hurting anybody. I’m Fee Fo the Gentle Giant, I am.
Jimmy: Whew! That’s a big relief to us, I can tell ya.
Fee Fo: Just a minute till I sit down, then I’ll be closer to you. Where are you now?
Judy: Here we are! My goodness, but you’re just awful big!
Jimmy: He sure is alright! Why, he looks as high as the city hall, doesn’t he, Judy.
Fee Fo: Ah, you don’t know how glad I am to see someone who looks like me, even if you aren’t the same size. I haven’t seen any people but the Wintergreen Witch for ever so long. Would you be afraid if I were to pick you up and look at you a little closer? My eyes are a bit weak, you know.
Jimmy: Well, I don’t mind. Gee, it’d be lots of fun!
Judy: I think it would be, too. How ‘bout you Cinnamon Bear?
Cinnamon Bear: It’s alright with me, but be real careful about the way you pick me up, won’t you? My extra special stuffing is awfully sensitive to high altitudes. Let me hang on to your thumb.
Fraidy Cat: Meow.
Judy: Oh, my goodness! I forgot about Fraidy Cat.
Fee Fo: A cat? Well! Let me see it. I’m very fond of cats.
Jimmy: Fraidy Cat’s nothing but a little kitten.
Fee Fo: Well, that’s alright. I like ‘em that way. Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Fraidy Cat: I’m awful scared of you. Are you sure you won’t hurt me?
Fee Fo: Not for the world! Here, look. I’ll put you in my coat pocket, and you can look out of the buttonhole.
Fraidy Cat: Alright. If you’ll be very careful.
Fee Fo: There. Fraidy Cat’s up. Now how about the rest of you? Would you like to sit up on my shoulders?
Jimmy: You bet! Come on, Judy. Boy, isn’t this something? Hey Cinnamon Bear!
Cinnamon Bear: Hello! I’m coming next.
Judy: There. We’re all up.
Fee Fo: Are you all quite comfortable?
Judy: Oh, yes, thank you, Fee Fo.
Fee Fo: Well that’s fine! Now, suppose you tell me who you are, and what you’re doing in the Wintergreen Witch’s Magic Forest?
Jimmy: Well, I’m Jimmy Barton, and this is my twin sister Judy, and he’s Paddy O’Cinnamon the cinnamon bear, and we’ve come a awful long way to try to get our silver star that was stolen by the Crazy Quilt Dragon.
Fee Fo: Silver star?
Judy: Yes, it belongs on top of our Christmas tree, and Christmas won’t be Christmas without it.
Cinnamon Bear: Have you seen the Crazy Quilt Dragon by any chance, Fee Fo?
Fee Fo: Well, no, I haven’t, but that’s not strange. Lots of things go on around my feet that I can’t see.
Cinnamon Bear: You know… maybe I’m wrong but… I think I see a cinnamon bun on a tree over there.
Fee Fo: Well that’s the cinnamon bun tree in the Goody Goody Grove. Oh, there’s all kinds of good things to eat there. Chocolate éclair bushes, creme puff vines, and ice cream cone trees. Oh, just lots of things!
Jimmy: Gee, I just remembered that I’m awful hungry. How ‘bout you, Judy?
Judy: Mmm. Me too, Jimmy. I would just love something to eat.
Fee Fo: Well, no sooner said than done. It’s just a couple of steps over there. Here, hold tight while I get up. Here we are. And here we go. Here we are. I’d better put you on the ground again. You might fall off if I bent down to pick anything for you.
Judy, Jimmy, Cinnamon Bear: Ohh! Whee! Oh, that’s swell!
Fraidy Cat: Meow! You forgot all about me. Is there anything for me to eat?
Fee Fo: Well, I didn’t mean to overlook you, little Fraidy Cat. Yeah, there’s a milkweed tree that has very delicious milk. I’ll pick a pod of that for you.
Fraidy Cat: Oh! Thank you, Fee Fo. You’re awfully good to me, and I was so scared when I first saw you.
Fee Fo: Well, you don’t have to be scared of me anymore. In fact, if you’d keep me company, I’d be very grateful. You know I get very lonesome sometimes.
Fraidy Cat: I’d like to stay with you. You wouldn’t let anything hurt me, would you?
Fee Fo: I should say not. How’s the milk?
Fraidy Cat: Very nice! Just the way I like it.
Fee Fo: That’s fine! How about the rest of you?
Jimmy: Oh swell!
Judy: It’s delicious!
Cinnamon Bear: Just wonderful!
Jimmy: Gee, this is the first time I ever got to eat all the creme puffs I wanted. Mother wouldn’t let me have but one at home. She says they’re too rich.
Fee Fo: Well eat just as many as you want. Why, nothing in the Goody Goody Grove will make you sick.
Judy: Mmm, my goodness, Jimmy. You’ve just oughtta taste these chocolate éclairs. Mmmm they’re so good!
Cinnamon Bear: Mmm! You can’t beat these cinnamon buns and this honey. Notice how, how sweet it makes my voice sound?
Jimmy: Boy, that was swell! I guess I won’t want anymore creme puffs for a long time. Hey! How did you ever happen to be in the Magic Forest, Fee Fo?
Fee Fo: Well, I didn’t used to be here at all. I used to live out on the Island of Obee like everybody else. One day I was taking a nap on the beach, and the Wintergreen Witch made me real small and put me through the picture frame in her house, and then made me big again before I woke up. And now I can’t get out because I’m too large.
Judy: Isn’t there any way for you to get out?
Fee Fo: The only way would be for the Wintergreen Witch to let me out, and she won’t do it.
Jimmy: Say, I don’t wanna rush you two, but remember we’re a long way from finding Crazy Quilt and the silver star.
Cinnamon Bear: I guess the best thing would be to look for him ourselves since Fee Fo hasn’t seen him. He couldn’t help us, anyway, because in one step, he’d miss a million Crazy Quilt Dragons.
Judy: Thank you ever so much, Fee Fo, for the elegant lunch, and for helping us.
Jimmy: I should say so! Mmm those creme puffs just fixed me up swell.
Cinnamon Bear: I don’t know what I would have done without my cinnamon buns. I wouldn’t have been able to be ferocious at all!
Fee Fo: Now before you go, there’s something I want to give you. It’s a whistle. Now, I can’t use it because it’s too small for me. I just wear it on my watch chain for a charm. Here, wait a minute till I wet my finger. I can’t pick it off very good unless I do. There. Now you just blow on it three times if you want me for anything, and I’ll hear it and I’ll come a-running.
Jimmy: Like this?
Judy: Is it magic?
Fee Fo: Yes. I used to dabble a bit in it before the witch put me in the Magic Forest. Well, you blow it if you need me, and I’ll come in a jiffy.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, thank you ever so much, Fee Fo.
Jimmy: You bet! Gee, you’ve been swell to us.
Judy: You’ve certainly changed our opinions of giants.
Fee Fo: If I’ve done that, I am very happy. Alright, come on, Fraidy Cat. Back in my pocket ya go. And goodbye to all of you. Remember, I’m here to help you if you want me.
Judy: Goodbye, Fee Fo. Pretty nice of him to be so polite and helpful, wasn’t it?
Cinnamon Bear: It surely was. But then, I really wasn’t afraid of him when I first saw him.
Jimmy: Oh, why you old storyteller! You were, too!
Judy: Certainly you were. You were scared to death, and you know it.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, if you won’t believe me, I won’t talk about it anymore.
Jimmy: Which way shall we go?
Judy: It’s awful hard to know which way. We haven’t any idea where the Crazy Quilt Dragon might have gone.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, he didn’t know this forest any better than we did. So if we just follow our noses, we’ll probably come as close to finding him as any other way we can do.
Jimmy: Oh, that’s silly. Just like some people say, “Follow your nose.”
Cinnamon Bear: Well, not in Maybeland it isn’t. Now, if you want to find somebody real bad, that’s just what you do. Follow your nose, and eventually you’ll find him.
Judy: Is that some more magic?
Cinnamon Bear: Well I don’t know if it’s magic, but it generally works.
Jimmy: Oh, alright. I guess we’ll try it. Say! Which way are our noses pointed?
Judy: That’s silly, too. They’re pointed straight ahead of us.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, then, that’s the way to go.
Jimmy: Right through this underbrush and everything?
Cinnamon Bear: Yes, we get through it as much as we can.
Judy: Alright, but I hope we don’t get all scratched up.
Jimmy: Wanna take my hand, Judy?
Judy: No, Jimmy. It’s easier for me to go by myself because… Oh! What’s happened?
Cinnamon Bear: Its… it’s all.. all dark!
Jimmy: Dark, nothing! It’s pitch black!
Judy: I can’t see you, Jimmy! Or you, Cinnamon Bear! I can’t see anything!
Jimmy: Grab hold of my hand, Judy, and you take this one, Cinnamon. Let’s just stand right here together until it gets light again.
Judy: What do you suppose ever made it get dark so quick? Maybe it just decided to get nighttime in a hurry.
Cinnamon Bear: No, Judy. I think it’s magic. The Wintergreen Witch probably shut off the lights.
Jimmy: Maybe the electric light company turned them off because she didn’t pay her bill.
Judy: Well, whatever it is, I don’t like it one little bit. It’s dark and scary and…. Ooo!
Jimmy: What’s the matter, Judy? What is it?
Judy: Look! Look! Over there!
Cinnamon Bear: Heavenly days! Two yellow lights like eyes a-flashin’ in the dark.

Announcer: As Jimmy often says: Gee, Willikers! What’s going to happen next? I’d like nothing better than to know right at this very minute, but, like you, I’m going to have to be patient and wait until next time.





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8 years ago

Duval’s voice is indeed excellent for the giant. I like the sound effect they use for movement, like when the giant lifts them up.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kitty

Yes, it is loud! 🙂

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