The Langoliers (1990) by Stephen King ⭐⭐⭐

I am reading an ebook version of Four Past Midnight. It is a book of four novellas. The first story is The Langoliers, a story of 11 passengers aboard an airliner to Boston who awake to find themselves the only ones left on the plane.
I’m actually not going to describe the story in depth, as I feel like one should read it to experience it themselves the first time. It has wonderful sci-fi elements, and weird horror elements, and I think you’ll get what you’re expecting with a Stephen King novella. The characters are good (Albert is my favorite), and the ones you hate you really hate. Read it, and tell me who your favorite character is and why!
Skip the next part if you plan on reading this book: My biggest problem with the story is that every idea and theory they have about where they are and what is happening to them is just that – an idea. There’s no basis to anything they come up with, and for all they know, everything they do is making things worse. I mean, for example, who’s to say that they really did need to be asleep when they went back through the portal? For all they knew, the passengers who disappeared were magicked to the ‘real world’, and they themselves were dead in this ‘other time’. And it made no sense that when they got back to the ‘real world’ time ‘caught up with them’ and now they can go back to their happy little lives like normal. These people would be messed up and need years of therapy after what they went through.
There’s actually a made for TV movie for this book, too!
Threw stars. Good Sci Fi story, but too many questions asked at the end.