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Tommy’s Tummy is from John Martin’s Big Book for Little Folk, Number Three, (1919). The song is my reminder to you not to go crazy during the holiday season! Don’t get a tummy ache like Tommy from eating all those sweets!!!
Louise Ayres Garnett – April 1, 1877-October 31, 1937. She was born in Indiana and died in Illinois.
Tommy’s Tummy
Verse and Music by Louise Ayres Garnett
I have a lit-tle tum-my and it aches, aches, aches! It’s
all be-cause Iv’e had too ma-ny cakes, cakes, cakes.
It’s fun-ny when I like so much to eat, eat, eat, ‘Most
an-y-thing I e-ver saw that’s sweet, sweet, sweet, My
naugh-ty lit-tle tum-my has to ache, ache, ache, And
get me in-to trou-ble for it’s sake, sake, sake!