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This little song, written by Alice Hess Beveridge (1885-1956), was published in American Childhood Magazine, December 1949.
At Early Candlelight
Words and Music by Alice Hess Beveridge
In days of old at Christ-mas time, Small chil-dren sang their lays And
all the folk both great and small, Were wak-ened fore the day At
pal-ace doors and hum-ble homes, At Court and shop and Inn The
hymns and songs of praise they sang Made all the world a-kin.
In cit-y streets and coun-try lanes, In by-ways far and near, The
sim-ple folk took up the song in ca-dence loud an clear, From
moun-tain top and hill and plain, From town and ham-let small, Their
song of joy spread round the world, Brought peace un-to them all.