Here is another from Aunt Kitty’s Storybook. 🙂
The Story of Nature
There once was a really really big guy who was walking through the really really big park. The really really big guy saw a really really small guy. “You are really really big,” the really really small guy yelled across the really really big park. “Well, you are really really small!” the really really big guy yelled back.
Then the really really small guy had a really really good idea. “Come here so we don’t have to yell across the really really big park anymore,” yelled the really really small guy yelled. “Ok.” WHOOSH!!!! There the really really big guy ran full speed. See? It’s such a weird sight. See him run? HE’S RUNNING!!! WATCH OUT, REALLY REALLY SMALL GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Yikes!!!” yelled all the normal-sized people. “Gasp!” all the kids cried. The really really small guy just stood there as if this was the most normal thing. “YAY!!” yelled the man behind the really really big guy. “Why do you say ‘YAY!’, oh man behind me?” the really really big guy asked, without turning around and while scratching his foot. “Oh, no reason, carry on.” The man tipped his hat and disappeared behind the man eating bush (gasp).
“What’s your name, really really big guy?” the really really small guy asked the really really big guy. “My name is Nate. What’s yours?” he asked, asked he. The really really small guy forgot his name (oh no). “Eer…” he said, trying to think. “Oh hello, Eer. We should make a company called “Nate-Eer: the really really big and really really small people company,” Nate said. “Yes, and years from now, it will turn into ‘Nature’ not ‘Nate-Eer’,” Eer said. “And people will call animals and plants and natural things of the world ‘Nature’ and it will be far from the meaning it was first intended it was first intended intended,” he added, added he. “YEAH!!” they both said together, not quite at the same time. “YAY” everyone around them yelled. And everyone including Nate and Eer, disappeared behind the man-eating bush (gasp).