Here’s another episode where we do not have any new characters to introduce. This episode is lots of fun, though, and it’s one of my favorites. I wish we had more time at Santa’s domicile.
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The Cinnamon Bear Episode 24 –Thrilled by a Train Ride
Opening: Cinnamon Bear Theme
Cinnamon Bear: And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!
Announcer: With Christmas so near at hand, it’s hard not to worry about Judy and Jimmy and their search for the silver star. After the Bad Dolls made off with it, Santa Claus sent a detachment of tin soldiers to the rescue, but the tin soldiers had met with unexpected reversals, because the Bad Dolls were being led by someone never before seen in the snow country. A strange green colored creature whose identity was unknown. But let’s listen to Judy, who seems to have some definite ideas on the subject.
Judy: Oh, green? My goodness, that sounds like…
Jimmy: Oh, no, Judy. That just couldn’t be possible.
Voice: Calling Santa Claus. Calling Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Yes, yes. What is it now?
Voice: A Maybegram just received from Queen Melissa of Maybeland. Quote: Warning Citizens of Snowland, Santa Claus, Judy, and Jimmy. Be on look out for Wintergreen Witch.
Judy: Oh, Jimmy, I was right.
Voice: Escaped from Looking Glass Valley assisted by another witch, with black cat tattooed on left elbow. Wintergreen last seen flying over Bottomless Abyss on broomstick headed for the snow country. Beware. She is dangerous. Unquote.
Judy: Oh, dear. Are we going to have trouble with that awful old witch again? I thought Melissa had gotten rid of her for good.
Santa Claus: Oh, come, come. Don’t get upset, my friends. I think we can take care of the lady.
Crazy Quilt: Lady! Hm.
Santa Claus: And, Nicky, run to the airport and order them to send out ten airplanes, and tell them to communicate with me if they need additional men or supplies. And, oh yes, one more thing Nicky. I want….
Nicky: You do?
Santa: Mhmm!
Nicky: Well, what about the, um…
Santa Claus: Oh, that! That’ll be easy, you just tell them that I want…
Crazy Quilt: Ahem. Uh, what goes on here?
Santa Claus: You’ll find out soon enough, friend Crazy Quilt.
Nicky: Is that all, Santa Claus?
Santa Claus: Yes, yes. I think so, Nicky. You’re sure you have everything straight?
Nicky: I think so.
Santa Claus: Then you’d better hurry. I have a little surprise for Judy and Jimmy, and I’ll need you.
Nicky: Right! I’ll be back in a jiffy.
Santa Claus: Now, of course, you children may not care for surprises, or do you?
Judy: Of course we do, Santa!
Santa Claus: Well, if you’re sure you do, close your eyes, all of you.
Crazy Quilt: Am I to be included in this what-do-you-think-is-going-to-happen business?
Santa Claus: Why, certainly! And Paddy O’Cinnamon, too.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, my. I do hope it’s cinnamon buns.
Crazy Quilt: Always thinking of your tummy. How materialistic!
Santa Claus: Now, now. No peeking, there, Crazy Quilt. Keep those purple patch eyelids closed tight. Now I’ll take hold of your hand, Judy. And yours Jimmy.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, how about me, Santa? It’s dark in here!
Crazy Quilt: In where?
Cinnamon Bear: In here! Well, what I mean is it’s dark inside me when I got my eyes closed.
Santa Claus: Well, you and Crazy Quilt can hang onto Judy and Jimmy’s free hands. Just a minute. There we are. We’re all set. Alright, now. Come along.
Judy: My goodness, but this is exciting. Where do you suppose he’s taking us?
Crazy Quilt: I’ve no idea, Judy. Utterly no idea!
Jimmy: Ow! Oooo! I bumped into a step or something that time. Do we go up, Santa?
Santa Claus: Yes, Jimmy, just a few steps. Now easy there. Just a few. Take it easy, everybody. Here we are. Now we can all sit down.
Cinnamon Bear: Ohh! My extra special stuffing! Ohh!
Judy: What’s the matter, Cinnamon Bear? Did you fall?
Cinnamon Bear: No, I just sat down where there wasn’t anything to sit on, that’s all.
Santa Claus: Oh, just a minute, Paddy O’Cinnamon. Just a minute. There you are. You comfy?
Cinnamon Bear: Yes. Thanks. That’s something like it.
Crazy Quilt: Would it be permissible to open our eyes now, Santa Claus?
Santa Claus: Oh, no, no. Not just yet. I’ll tell you when. Alright, Major Moffy. Carry on. You can open your eyes now, and open ‘em wide!
Crazy Quilt: My word!
Judy: Oh, how beautiful!
Jimmy: Jumpin’ gee Willikers!
Cinnamon Bear: Bless my stuffing, what a big hall.
Crazy Quilt: My sainted Crazy Quilt aunt, I’ve never seen anything like this.
Judy: That great big Christmas tree! Why, it’s bigger than the one in the store downtown.
Jimmy: It sure is. Lots bigger! Gee, I have to put my head way back to see the top of it!
Judy: And all those colored lights. Why, there must be a million of them.
Santa Claus: A million and a half to be exact, Judy.
Cinnamon Bear: That big domed roof with the lights on it. Would that be made of glass, now?
Santa Claus: Well, not exactly. Something quite like it, but stronger, more substantial. One of my own inventions.
Judy: It’s just so beautiful with all the lovely toys and lights and everything. Well, it just kind of takes your breath away.
Santa Claus: You like it, children?
Jimmy: You bet!
Judy: It’s the most gorgeous thing I ever saw!
Jimmy: Is this your throne we’re sitting next to, Santa? It’s such a fancy looking chair!
Santa Claus: It is fancy, isn’t it? Frankly, I wouldn’t have had such an elaborate one with all these jewels and carvings, but the workmen in my factory made it for me last year on my birthday, and of course I wouldn’t hurt their feelings for anything.
Crazy Quilt: Would you mind, Santa, if I went down there where you have the electric trains? I hesitate to admit it, but I have a perfect passion for them! Never could resist anything mechanical.
Cinnamon Bear: Huh! That’s not all you can’t resist. Don’t you let him do it, Santa Claus, or you’ll find something else missing for sure.
Crazy Quilt: Pay no heed to this glorified bath mat, Santa. It’s Paddy O’Cinnamon who needs watching. Why, he’s had his eyes on those rubber elephants and toy giraffes ever since he opened them.
Cinnamon Bear: Indeed, and I have not! I was only staring at the big Christmas tree!
Santa Claus: Now, now, now. Boys, you must stop your quarreling. I think the best way for us to see all the toys is to take a little ride in my miniature train.
Jimmy: Gee, Willikers, Santa! Have you got a train you could ride in and everything?
Santa Claus: I certainly have, Jimmy, and what’s more, I’m going to let you drive it for us! Hm? Come along now.
Jimmy: Gee, that’s swell. Did you hear that, Judy? I’m gonna drive the train!
Judy: Oh, it’s wonderful! Everything’s wonderful! Hurry up, Cinnamon Bear!
Cinnamon Bear: I’m coming, Judy. Hey, Crazy Quilt. Keep away from those toy steam shovels. You’re apt to get your face lifted.
Santa Claus: Alright. Here’s the train, Jimmy. Right over behind the Christmas tree.
Jimmy: Gee, it’s a pip! Why, it’s just like a locomotive almost. How does it run?
Santa Claus: Well, I’ll show you in a minute. Now, Judy, you just get in the cab with Jimmy. I’ll sit right behind you, and Paddy O’Cinnamon can share the back seat with Crazy Quilt.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, I have to sit with him, huh? Too bad you haven’t got a caboose, Santa Claus. That’s where Crazy belongs.
Crazy Quilt: Is that so? Well, I’ll have you know…
Santa Claus: Alright. Everybody ready?
Jimmy: I’ll say we are! Will you show me how to drive it now?
Santa Claus: You bet I will, Jimmy. You see that lever?
Jimmy: Uh-huh.
Santa Claus: You push that just as far as it will go. Then step on that pedal by your left foot. That starts the motor.
Jimmy: Like that?
Santa Claus: That’s right. Now the pedal.
Jimmy: Boy, oh, boy! We’re off!
Santa Claus: Now, when you want to stop, Jimmy, just pull the lever back. You got it?
Jimmy: You bet! Hey! How are you doing back there, Crazy Quilt?
Crazy Quilt: Just so-so. A bit stuffy. You never know what you’ll meet up with on a train.
Cinnamon Bear: If you’re referring to me, applesauce!
Judy: Oh, Jimmy! Look at the hundreds and hundreds of beautiful dolls.
Jimmy: Gee, and would you take a look at all those bicycles and scooters and the toy tractors and…
Crazy Quilt: And there’s the toy band we saw in the store-room.
Santa Claus: Mhm! And over here’s the military division. Some of the best tin and wooden soldiers we ever turned out. I’m very proud of them.
Jimmy: Just look at those roly-poly dolls! They remind me of that Roly-Poly Policeman we met on the Island of Obee.
Santa Claus: Now we’re passing the animal kingdom. Elephants and camels and monkeys on sticks. Animals of every description.
Crazy Quilt: No Crazy Quilt Dragons, however.
Cinnamon Bear: I should hope not! One is enough.
Nicky: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Oh, here’s Nicky Froodle, he’s back again. Stop the train, Jimmy.
Jimmy: Alright, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Alright. All out, now. Come on. Easy there. All out. Everything ready, now, Nicky?
Nicky: All ready, sir.
Judy: You know what, Santa Claus?
Santa Claus: No. What, Judy?
Judy: I was just noticing all the little dolls and soldiers and toy animals are standing perfectly still. Just like they were waiting for something.
Santa Claus: That’s right, Judy, they are waiting for something.
Jimmy: What?
Santa Claus: Well, just to make certain my toys will know how to behave when I take them out into the world, I put them through a special rehearsal under the big Christmas tree, and while they’re marching, my supervisors inspect them. So that’s what my toys are waiting for, Judy and Jimmy. The Christmas Tree Parade.
Jimmy: A parade! Jiminy Crickets, Santa! Are we gonna see it?
Santa Claus: You are, Jimmy, and right this very minute! Oh, Major Moffy! Proceed with the Christmas Tree Parade!
Santa’s Toys:
The bugle has blown,
And summoned us into line.
The buttons on our uniforms,
Are polished till they shine.
Are polished till they shine.
Now the general is giving commands,
“Fall in!”
And the call for attention is made,
And everyone is ready for the Christmas Tree Parade.
And clickety clack,
And umpety umpety um!
Boom, boom, boom!
‘Round the Christmas tree and back,
In marching form we come.
In marching form we come.
To the beat of the little bass drum,
Boom, boom!
To the toot of the little tin horn.
Toot, toot!
We’ll make a lot of children sing and shout,
On Christmas morn.
We’ll make a lot of children sing and shout,
On Christmas morn.
Judy: Oh, Santa Claus! That was wonderful!
Nicky: Excuse me, Santa, but an important message came in while the parade was on.
Santa Claus: Yes, yes, Nicky. What is it? What is it?
Nicky: Captain Tintop is waiting in your office.
Santa Claus: Captain Tintop?!
Nicky: Yes, sir. And he’s got the silver star!
Announcer: Well! That’s the nicest news Judy and Jimmy have heard in a long time. The silver star is safe and sound. At least, we hope it is. But I’m not going to congratulate anybody, until I’ve seen Captain Tintop return it in person.