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Gene Reynolds (April 4, 1923 – February 3, 2020), born Eugene Reynolds Blumenthal, plays the wonderful Nicky Froodle. Nicky went on to have a big career in film and television, being one of the co-creators of the hit series M*A*S*H. He was a writer, producer, director, and actor. I think he’s one of the most memorable characters in the whole Cinnamon Bear series.

Clayton Post plays the Snowman. I cannot find any birth/death information, but I can tell that he was in television and radio, and was a regular performer on Wild Bill Hickock and Gunsmoke. Snowman is a bit of a snow-for-brains, so brace yourselves.

Download all of Cinnamon Bear’s episodes at Radio Echoes. You can also listen to each episode there without downloading. Here is the link to today’s episode: Cinnamon Bear Episode 21

The Cinnamon Bear Episode 21 – Snowman
Opening: Cinnamon Bear Theme
Cinnamon Bear: And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!

Announcer: Judy and Jimmy, with their friends Cinnamon Bear and the Crazy Quilt Dragon, have made a marvelous discovery. As you’ll probably remember, they’re still in the Golden Grove, where they were supposed to find an important clue under the Singing Tree. But that was practically impossible, because all the trees in the Golden Grove looked exactly alike. Too tired to look further, they fell asleep, and when they awakened, they discovered they’d been napping right under the very tree they were searching for! And that wasn’t all they discovered, for right beside them stood an enormous silk hat with windows and a door in it. And pinned to the door a note which Jimmy is about to read. Let’s listen.

Cinnamon Bear: Bless my stuffing, but I’m getting curious. What does it say, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Well it says ‘No trespassing unless you are Judy, Jimmy, Cinnamon Bear and the Crazy Quilt Dragon.’
Crazy Quilt: My, this is interesting indeed!
Judy: I’m going to open the door. Oh! Look!
Cinnamon Bear: Very comfy looking, I’d say at a quick glance.
Crazy Quilt: My, my! Four chairs each by a window. Stylish stuff, all the trimmings!
Jimmy: And look! Three are just our size, and one’s big enough for Crazy Quilt.
Judy: It’s an awful nice place to sit, alright, but I don’t see what this has to do with getting the star put back together again.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, wait. Here’s another note on one of the chairs.
Jimmy: Read it, Paddy O’Cinnamon.
Cinnamon Bear: Okay. Hmm. Very interesting indeed. It’s from Melissa, just as I thought.
Crazy Quilt: A logical supposition, my friend, but proceed to enlighten us as to its contents.
Cinnamon Bear: Very well. ‘Dear friends, the Flying Hat will take you out of Maybeland to a place where you should have no trouble getting your precious silver star mended. When you are ready for the flight, just say Topper Topper, off we go, To the land of ice and snow. Upon your arrival, ask the first person you meet where to go to find Nicky Froodle. Lots of luck, Melissa’. My, my… oh! Wait, here’s a P.S. ‘Do not be afraid of the Flying Hat. It is equipped with the very best Maybeland motor.’
Judy: Oh, this is awful exciting, but I wonder why we have to go to a land of ice and snow to get the silver star fixed?
Crazy Quilt: It is indeed mystifying, but undoubtedly Melissa has some definite reason for sending us there.
Jimmy: Well, I don’t wanna rush you, but we’re wasting time. Suppose we just do as Melissa says and get going.
Crazy Quilt: Always the practical man of affairs, Jimmy. Let us go indeed.
Judy: I’ll say the rhyme that Melissa told us to use to make the Flying Hat go. Everybody ready?
Cinnamon Bear: Surest thing you know.
Crazy Quilt: Indubitably.
Judy: What?
Crazy Quilt: Uh, just skip it.
Judy: Topper, Topper, off we go, to the land of ice and snow.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, boy!
Judy: Oh, we’re starting!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, we’re going right up!
Jimmy: Oh, we’re going up! Oh, boy, this is swell!
Judy: Oooo! Why, we’re way over the tops of the trees already.
Cinnamon Bear: And look! The Golden Grove looks just like a lot of melted butter.
Crazy Quilt: Always thinking of your tummy, no mind for finer things.
Jimmy: Look! I bet that’s the end of the Golden Grove.
Cinnamon Bear: Yes, and beyond it, I can’t see a thing, can you?
Crazy Quilt: The Wintergreen Witch knew what she was talking about when she said that abyss was bottomless. Why, the closer we get to it, the bigger it looks. If she ever dropped the pieces of our star in there, goodness knows where they’d stop. Probably keep right on falling.
Cinnamon Bear: And speaking of falling, we’re right over it now.
Judy: Goodness! Suppose we fall?
Jimmy: Aw, quit your worrying. Melissa said this flying hat was equipped with the best Maybeland motor, didn’t she? Well, I’ll bet on Melissa any day. She’s swell.
Crazy Quilt: You know, it may be just imagination, but I feel distinctly colder. What about you?
Judy: Well, I do feel sort of chilly.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, now that you mention it, my stuffing feels a little bunchier than usual, and that always means it’s cold.
Jimmy: Say, I see something white ahead. Why, I bet that’s the Snow Country.
Crazy Quilt: Hmm… Right as usual, Jimmy. It’s just as white as can be.
Judy: I wonder what we’re supposed to do there.
Cinnamon Bear: What I’m wondering about is this flying hat. What do we do to stop it?
Crazy Quilt: Oh, I rather think it will stop of its own accord.
Cinnamon Bear: Yes, but when? For all we know, it’ll just keeps right on flying and flying and flying.
Jimmy: Aw, you know motors just can’t keep on going forever. You gotta put something in ‘em.
Judy: Anyway, Melissa’s note said the Flying Hat would take us someplace, and you know Melissa always tells us the truth.
Crazy Quilt: Oh!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, look! We’re going down. Here we go.
Jimmy: We’re gonna land on a hill.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, yes. Ooo!
Judy: Oh!
Cinnamon Bear: Boy! Come on, let’s get out.
Judy: Oh! Isn’t it cold?
Jimmy: You bet. Gee, I wish I had my sweater.
Cinnamon Bear: I could use my green flannel underwear right now.
Crazy Quilt: I’m a bit afraid my crazy quilt colors will get frozen blue.
Judy: Look at the Flying Hat.
Jimmy: Why, it’s tipping itself. Just like it was saying goodbye.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, look! Now it’s flying off.
Crazy Quilt: Yes. Well, there’s no doubt about it. This is where Melissa meant for us to come.
Judy: Look, everybody! Look at that shiny thing down below us. Isn’t that a palace?
Cinnamon Bear: Anyway, a mansion, but it’s a good piece down the hill.
Jimmy: Gee, I wish I had a toboggan. That’d take us there in a jiffy.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, what do we need with a toboggan? Here’s Crazy Quilt. Come on, Crazy Quilt, justify your existence.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, me. Just a vehicle, that’s me. Always doing a bit of transportation.
Judy: Poor Crazy Quilt. You don’t have to if you don’t want.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, no no no no no. Oh, no. I was just grumbling. Tobogganing is what I’ve always longed to do. Climb on. Oh, just a minute ‘til I tuck my legs under me. Hmm… Yes. There, that’s right. Now, off we go!
All: Weeee!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, we’re just going faster and faster and faster!
Judy: This is fun! Whee! Oh, my! I got snow down my neck.
Jimmy: Gee, I got snow all the way down my back.
Crazy Quilt: Uh, yes. Haha.
Cinnamon Bear: I feel like a cinnamon bear frozen pudding for sure.
Judy: Let me dust the snow out of your fur, Paddy, dear.
Cinnamon Bear: Thank you, Judy. Just a little patch back on me left shoulder blade, thanks a lot.
Jimmy: Say! There’s a flight of steps. I didn’t see them when we landed.
Cinnamon Bear: Nor I, but I arrived head first. Oh, children! I slipped. Why, they’re made of ice.
Judy: I think I see something over there. It looks like a snowman.
Crazy Quilt: Why, it is a snowman. Bless my crazy quilt aunt, he’s wearing a silk hat, carrying a cane, and has a cigar in his mouth.
Jimmy: Yes, look at his nose. It seems to be a regular red Christmas tree light.
Crazy Quilt: We ought to speak to him. Remember, Melissa said to ask the first person we met about somebody called Nicky Froodle.
Judy: Uh-huh! Excuse me, Mister Snowman.
Snowman: I’ll excuse you anything your little heart desires, my little sunbeam.
Judy: I mean, I beg your pardon, but…
Snowman: Likewise, I will pardon you, anything for a lady.
Judy: Well, do you know somebody called Nicky Froodle?
Snowman: Nicky Froodle, Nicky Froodle. Let me see. Yes. You must mean Nicky Froodle. Nice chap, Nicky. Yes, indeed, very nice. Used to play a bit of snow tennis with him. Fine game, snow tennis. You don’t play it at all like lawn tennis, not at all. Grasping the racket firmly twixt thumb and index finger, you assay to strike the pellet.
Jimmy: Yes, but… My goodness, Judy! His nose has turned from red to green.
Cinnamon Bear: Bless my stuffing, it’s just like a stop and go light.
Crazy Quilt: How come this change of color, friend snowman?
Snowman: Glad you asked me about that, my friend, glad you asked me. Just a gadget I rigged up last year. Quite a novelty, quite a novelty, if I do say so myself. I was directing traffic after the Winter Sports Carnival. Glad you like the little nick knack, yes, yes.
Jimmy: Look! His nose has changed to red again.
Crazy Quilt: But despite the changeability of your olfactory organ…
Judy: My goodness, why does Crazy Quilt have to talk like that?
Cinnamon Bear: Showing off, that’s all. He’s just showing off.
Crazy Quilt: Well, we’re beginning to partake of the frigidity of this northern climate, and would be guided to the vicinity of one Nicky Froodle.
Snowman: Who?
Cinnamon Bear: Nicky Froodle! Nicky Froodle!
Snowman: Oh, yes, yes. Didn’t you mention him a while ago?
Jimmy: Sure we did!
Snowman: I thought the name sounded familiar.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, where is he? Where can we find him?
Snowman: Oh, so you want to meet him, eh? I don’t blame you, my friends. Nice fellow, Nicky. Used to play bit of snow tennis.
Jimmy: Yeah, we know, we know. Snow tennis.
Snowman: Yes, yes, yes. How things do get around! Who told you that, my little icicle?
Jimmy: Gee, Willikers! You just told us that yourself. Just a minute ago.
Snowman: So I did, so I did. Well, my little lad, you may enter the presence of Nicky Froodle by going up those steps and ringing the bell. Speaking of bells, I used to know a Swiss bell ringer. Very fine musician, very fine! Used to play Yankee Doodle on eight sleigh bells. Touched my heart he did. Touched my heart.
Jimmy: Look! His nose has changed from red to green again. Well, we’ve got the green light. Let’s go.
Cinnamon Bear: With the greatest of pleasure.
Snowman: You might bring me a strawberry snow cone on your way back.
Jimmy: Alright. We will if we find one.
Judy: Mmm. This is awful hard to get up. The steps are so slippery.
Cinnamon Bear: Ouch. You’re telling me. I got a dent in me stuffing.
Crazy Quilt: Yes. I, too, feel a certain lack of solarity in our assent.
Jimmy: Oh, boy! Here I go!
Crazy Quilt: Oh!
Snowman: My, my, my. Back so soon! Where’s my strawberry snow cone?
Cinnamon Bear: Aw, come on, everybody. Let’s make it this time. One, two, three. Go!
Crazy Quilt: Yes.
Cinnamon Bear: Come on!
Judy: Wait for me, Jimmy!
Jimmy: Mind your step, now, Judy.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, dear! All these steps, I musn`t watch. Come on, now!
Jimmy: We made it!
Crazy Quilt: Yes.
Judy: There’s a bell, Jimmy. Ring it.
Jimmy: Okay.
Voice: How do you do!
Jimmy: Hello.
Judy: How do you do?
Voice: You must be Judy, Jimmy, the Cinnamon Bear and the Crazy Quilt Dragon. Oh, I’ve been expecting you for some time. Won’t you come in?
Cinnamon Bear: Much obliged to you.
Judy: Thank you very much. Are you Nicky Froodle?
Nicky: I am. Excuse me while I close the door. It’s pretty cold outside.
Jimmy: Gee, it’s lots warmer in here, alright. We’ve been kinda chilly out there. We’re not exactly dressed for it like you are in all that white fur.
Judy: Would you mind please if I asked a question? I don’t mean to be rude, but you look like us, and yet you don’t.
Nicky: Oh! You see, I’m an elf!
Judy: Oh. Well, Queen Melissa of Maybeland sent us in a flying hat to see about getting our beautiful silver star put together again, and she said we were to see you.
Nicky: That’s right, Judy, but Melissa meant for me to take you to somebody else, and he’ll help you. Will you please follow me up the hall?
Judy: Yes.
Jimmy: Gee, that’s a big door!
Nicky: The gentleman Melissa has arranged for you to meet is waiting for you in his private office, at this very moment.
Judy: My goodness! Who is it, Nicky Froodle?
Nicky: Why, didn’t you know? It’s Santa Claus!

Announcer: Santa Claus?! I had an idea that’s who it was going to be all the time, but I wasn’t quite sure. And now that I know, I’m certainly going to be on hand next time when Judy and Jimmy meet him. Yes, sir! A visit with Santa Claus is one thing I couldn’t miss!






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8 years ago

The snowman’s voice sounds remarkably like Sheldon Leonard. Is it possible it could have been he rather than Bill Thompson? Mr. Smee’s voice in Peter Pan sounds a lot different—of course I know a lot of voice actors can change their voices to an amazing degree.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kitty

Well, the CB fanatics probably know! Besides, my wife says it doesn’t sound like Sheldon Leonard, that the voice is too high. His voice does sound a little lower as Nick the Bartender. What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcB4XXGr1us

8 years ago
Reply to  Kitty

Yeah, I had the same problem! 😀 I finally had to search for “Nick It’s a Wonderful Life”. But check out Smee here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs_U5T3DdzQ

8 years ago
Reply to  Kitty

Yes, a good example is the guy who did most of the male voices for the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. He had an amazing variety.And another thing is that voices change with age. Howard McNear on here sounds a good bit different than Floyd the Barber, the same with Gale Gordon.

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