Howard McNear, who also voiced Samuel the Seal, is Slim Pickins in this episode. You’ll remember that McNear is best known for his portrayal of the beloved character Floyd Lawson the barber on The Andy Griffith Show. He was also the original voice of Doc Adams in the radio version of Gunsmoke. He also played as Clint Barlow in Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police.
Download all of Cinnamon Bear’s episodes at Radio Echoes. You can also listen to each episode there without downloading. Here is the link to today’s episode: Cinnamon Bear Episode 18
The Cinnamon Bear Episode 18 –Chased by Indians
Opening: Cinnamon Bear Theme
Cinnamon Bear: And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!
Announcer: Let’s see what’s happened to Judy and Jimmy and their friends the Cinnamon Bear and the Crazy Quilt Dragon. After they got Paddy O’Cinnamon out of the wishing well, they tried to get out of the Wishing Woods, but they were stopped by a great river of mud and attacked by Muddlers, huge, ugly creatures made entirely of mud. In spite of everything our friends could do, the Muddlers shoved them into the black, oozy mud. They climbed frantically onto Crazy Quilt’s back and he tried to swim, but couldn’t, and right now they’re sinking deeper and deeper and deeper.
Crazy Quilt: Oh! Oh agony! Mud to the left of us, mud to the right of us. Oh, I’m afraid it’s all over with us.
Jimmy: Gee, if we weren’t on Crazy Quilt’s back, the mud would be way over our heads.
Cinnamon Bear: Try a little mudding through to the other side, Crazy Quilt. If we stay here much longer, we’re sunk.
Judy: Please, Crazy Quilt, try again, please.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, it’s no use. Every time I move a leg, I sink in deeper.
Judy: Jimmy, hold the handkerchief with the silver star pieces high over your head.
Jimmy: Alright, Judy, but I don’t see what good it’ll do now.
Crazy Quilt: Can’t hold on much longer. I’m going, going, oohhh!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, we’re sunk! We’re sunk!
Jimmy: Wait! Wait! Somebody’s coming.
Cinnamon Bear: Can you see who it is, Jimmy? I got mud in me eyes.
Jimmy: Why, it looks like cowboys! Hurray, we’re saved!
Cinnamon Bear: Yoo, hoo! Cowboys! Over this way! Over here!
Cowboy 1: Take it easy, strangers! We’re a-comin’. Alright, boys, throw ’em some ropes. I’ll take the children, you lasso the bear, Lefty.
Lefty: Alright, Slim!
Slim: And Hank! You and Gus better snag that dragon or whatever it is. You got ’em boys?
Hank: You bet!
Slim: Okay! Hang on tight, strangers! Here ya go!
Cowboys: Yippee! Yahoo!
Slim: Now the bear!
Cowboys: Yippee! Yahoo! Now the bear!
Cinnamon Bear: Boy! Oh, boy, oh boy! Am I glad to be out of that mess!
Slim: How’s that dragon critter comin’ along?
Hank: Right now!
Cowboys: Yippee! Yahoo!
Crazy Quilt: Oh, words…words cannot begin to express my gratitude.
Jimmy: Oh, you cowboys just got here in the nick of time, alright. Just like in the movies.
Crazy Quilt: We don’t know our noble rescuers’ names, but…
Slim: Slim’s my name, partner. Slim Pickins.
Crazy Quilt: Mister Slim Pickins, I thank you on behalf of our little party. I should speak to the proper authorities about a medal. Oh, yes, indeed. And I sha… Oh! Tragedy! Look at me! I’m smeared with mud from my crazy quilt head to my crazy quilt tail.
Cinnamon Bear: Me too. My beautiful fur is ruined.
Slim: Don’t worry, strangers. Won’t be a minute afore that’s gone.
Cinnamon Bear: What’dya mean?
Judy: Oh my goodness! All that mud’s dropped right off.
Jimmy: Gee! The Crazy Quilt Dragon looks like he’d just been dry cleaned!
Crazy Quilt: Why, for pity’s sake. What’s this?
Cinnamon Bear: It’s magic, that’s what it is.
Slim: That’s right, partner. Soon as you step on this side, the mud just vamooses.
Judy: Oh my goodness! Such a relief! Hey look, everybody! How beautiful it is here! All purple. It didn’t look like there was anything like this when we were over on the other side.
Slim: Yes, miss. This here’s the Purple Plain. You can’t see it from t’other side of the mud pond, ‘cause those Muddler varmints don’t like perdy colors at all. And they just naturally likes to hide it from everybody. Why those pesky mavericks are the orneriest bunch of creation. I guess they had it in for your dragon partner on account he’s such a fancy dressed hombre.
Jimmy: Look, Judy. They’re all riding big black beetles instead of horses. Say, are you regular cowboys, Slim?
Slim: Well, sonny, I reckon we are.
Lefty: A li’l bit diff’rent but still cowboys.
Slim: That’s right, Lefty! Oh, hi, Glowworm Gus!
Gus: Yo!
Slim: Start up a song. Let ‘em know who we are, huh? Come on, sing!
You’ve read about cowboys of every description. You’ve read about injuns and Buffalo Bill. But none of those softies could ever compare With us Cocklebur Cowboys from Lollipop Hill. Yippee-aye o-kay, when we’re all in the saddle There’s nothing so handsome afoot or astraddle. Yippee-aye, o-kay, we’re the Cocklebur Cowboys. Stand up in your stirrups, and take a big bow, boys.
Each evening at sundown we round up the glowworms To light up the streets and the houses at night. The glowworms eat sunflower seeds in the daytime, Which makes them especially brilliant and bright.
Yippee-aye, o-kay, git along little glow worms. You’ve got to get goin’ and not be such slow worms. Yippee-aye, o-kay, shake a leg now and git up, Or the little toy town will never get lit up.
Judy: Oh, that was wonderful!
Jimmy: That was swell! Gee! Are these your own glowworms?
Cowboy: No, sonny.
Slim: We keep ‘em for Melissa.
Cinnamon Bear: Melissa? Do you know Melissa?
Slim: We sure do! Don’t we boys? Who’s the perdiest little boss in this neck of the woods?
Cowboys: Melissa!
Crazy Quilt: I heartily concur with your opinion regarding our beloved ruler.
Judy: What does he mean, Paddy O’Cinnamon?
Cinnamon Bear: He means he thinks so, too.
Judy: Well, we sure would like to see Melissa again.
Slim: Well, what’s your trouble, little miss?
Judy: We went to see her about getting our beautiful silver star fixed, and she told us what to do.
Jimmy: To wish it back together at a wishing well.
Crazy Quilt: But our fuzzy friend here unfortunately spoiled our plans by falling into the Wishing Well, so they had to use up the wish to get him out.
Judy: And if we could see Melissa again, we thought maybe she’d tell us something else to do.
Jimmy: Yes! We’ve just got to get our silver star fixed.
Judy: ‘Cause it belongs on top of our Christmas tree, and it just won’t be Christmas without it.
Slim: Well, now I’m sure sorry to hear about all the trouble you folks has had, but maybe you won’t have to go all the way back to see Melissa.
Crazy Quilt: What do you mean, my friend?
Slim: Well, now I’ll just show you. Hey, Lefty! You got your looking glass with you?
Lefty: Nope, Slim. Left it in the bunk house.
Slim: Oh, shucks! No wonder we call you Lefty, always leaving things behind when they’re needed.
Judy: I’ve got a little looking glass.
Slim: You have!? Well that’s right nice. Now if you just let me have it a bit, I’ll show you a trick. Now first, I take my hat.
Jimmy: Ha-Ha! I bet he’s just like that Mister Presto the Magician.
Slim: Well, don’t know the party you mention, but here’s the idea. Now if you put this looking glass inside my ten gallon hat, perdy soon you can see Melissa and talk to her.
Judy: Oh, that’s wonderful, Mister Slim!
Jimmy: You better do the talking, Judy.
Judy: Alright. Here’s the looking glass, Mister Slim.
Slim: Alright, now put it down here in my ten gallon hat. That’s it. Now you just think real hard that you want to see Melissa.
Judy: I’m thinking ever so hard. I see her! I see her in the looking glass. Oh, Melissa, we’ve had such a time. She doesn’t answer me.
Slim: You can’t hear her say anything, little miss, but she can hear you. Now you go along and tell her your troubles.
Judy: Alright. Melissa dear, we did just what you told us, and went to the Wishing Well. But poor Paddy O’Cinnamon fell in when he was looking down inside it, and we had to use up the only wish we could have to get him out, so we couldn’t wish our star back together again. Would you please tell us what we can do now to get it mended? She’s smiling!
Slim: She heared you alright, little miss.
Judy: Oh! She’s writing something on a piece of paper. Now she’s holding it up for me to see. Underneath the Singing Tree another clue you’re sure to see. Oh! Now she’s gone.
Jimmy: I wonder what she’s talking about. Underneath the Singing Tree. This is just like a treasure hunt. You go one place to find out another place to go.
Slim: Well, Melissa knows what she’s talking about, so you better do as she says.
Judy: What is the Singing Tree? Do you know Mister Slim?
Slim: Well, it seems to me I have.
Lefty: I’ve heared tell about it. ‘Sposed to be in the Golden Grove.
Jimmy: Where’s that? Slim: Well, that’s straight across the Purple Plain.
Lefty: If you look real hard you can see it glistenin’ over yonder. Way over.
Cinnamon Bear: I see it, a regular sparkle.
Crazy Quilt: So do I, distinctly.
Slim: We’re mighty sorry we can’t take you clear across the Purple Plain, but we’ve got a job to do, you know. I gotta round up them glowworms.
Judy: Well, thanks a million!
Crazy Quilt: Goodbye.
Cinnamon Bear: Sure nice of you to help us!
Slim: Well, come on, boys. Got to get to movin’. So long partners, and I hope you get your star right pronto! Alright, boys, let’s ride.
Cowboys: Yippee!
Judy: Goodbye, Slim! Bye, Lefty!
Cinnamon Bear: So long!
Crazy Quilt: Yippee, yippee. Look at them ride. What a sight! My, my! They may be a bit wild and bullish, but I like them! Definitely.
Judy: So do I. I don’t know what would have happened to us if they hadn’t turned up.
Jimmy: Well, come on. We’ve got a long way to go. Let’s get started.
Cinnamon Bear: Yes. Let’s not waste any time.
Judy: I wonder how we’ll know the Singing Tree.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, you’ll know alright. Melissa wouldn’t tell you unless she was sure you’d find out.
Judy: I suppose you’re right. What was that?
Jimmy: Jiminy Crickets, look! Over there behind that bunch of purple cactus.
Cinnamon Bear: Wow! It’s an Indian!
Crazy Quilt: Run for your lives! The whole tribe will be after us.
Judy: Faster! Faster! Cinnamon Bear: How many are there, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I don’t know. Sounds like a hundred of them!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, my cinnamon scalp. Help! Help! Help!
Announcer: Indians! That’s bad. Very bad. In Maybeland you never can tell what will happen next, but Indians it is. And next time we’ll find out just what will happen to Judy and Jimmy and their friends.