Today is our 17th episode in the adventures of Cinnamon Bear! In this episode, our friends meet the Muddlers! New information reveals that Mudly was played by Elliott Lewis, who you’ll remember also voiced Mr. Presto the Magician. Read a bit about him here.
Captain MacMudd was played by David Kerman (December 1, 1907 – February 18, 1990). He was in lots of Lux Radio Theater and Theater Five performances.
Download all of Cinnamon Bear’s episodes at Radio Echoes. You can also listen to each episode there without downloading. Here is the link to today’s episode: Cinnamon Bear Episode 17
The Cinnamon Bear Episode 17 –Pelted with Mud
Opening: Cinnamon Bear Theme
Cinnamon Bear: And here’s the Cinnamon Bear!
Announcer: Judy and Jimmy with Cinnamon Bear and the Crazy Quilt Dragon are still in the Wishing Woods. Queen Melissa’s magic instructions for restoring their broken star to one piece directed them to the Wishing Well, where the Cinnamon Bear took it upon himself to do a bit of investigating. However, he carried his investigation too far. As a matter of fact, he carried it clear to the bottom of the well. He leaned over too far and tumbled head over paws down, down, down to the very bottom of the Wishing Well.
Judy: Oh, poor, poor Cinnamon Bear.
Jimmy: Gee, Willikers. How’ll we ever get him out? It’s deeper than anything.
Crazy Quilt: Hellooo down there, Paddy O’Cinnamon!
Jimmy: Yoo-hoo! Paddy! Can you hear us?
Cinnamon Bear: Hello! I can hear you!
Judy: Are you alright?
Cinnamon Bear: Yes, but I’d surely like to get out of this awful place.
Jimmy: Is there any water down there?
Cinnamon Bear: No, but it’s freezing cold. Brr. I don’t like it one little bit. Thank goodness my extra special stuffing kept me from getting hurt.
Jimmy: Hang on down there, Cinnamon Bear, and don’t be frightened. We’ll get you out in no time.
Judy: But how ever will we do it, Crazy Quilt?
Crazy Quilt: Hmm.. uh, let me see now. Uhm… If we only had a rope.
Jimmy: But there wouldn’t be any ropes around here.
Crazy Quilt: Ah, Quite true. Uh, But we, we might look around for a tree branch to put down the well. He can scramble up on that.
Jimmy: Alright! Let’s look.
Judy: How about this, Crazy Quilt?
Crazy Quilt: Oh, it’s too big for any of us to lift.
Jimmy: Well, here’s one that’s small enough.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, no! That’s dead. It would snap right under him.
Judy: I don’t see anything else we could use. Do you, Jimmy?
Jimmy: No. Not a thing. Say! I’ve got an idea!
Judy: What?
Jimmy: This is a wishing well, isn’t it?
Judy: ‘Course it is. You know that.
Jimmy: Well, why don’t we just wish him out?
Crazy Quilt: Splendid! My, you’re the smart one, Jimmy! Now why didn’t I think of that?
Judy: Look! There’s a sign over here on this side of the well. I can’t read it, ‘cause it’s kind of dark- like. Can you read it, Crazy Quilt?
Crazy Quilt: Just a minute, uhm… hmm, sure enough! Why, it’s some instructions for using the Wishing Well.
Jimmy: Jiminy Crickets! Hurry up and read ’em.
Crazy Quilt: Uh, let’s see. Wishing Well wishes you well. Wish your wish and wake the spell.
Judy: Oh, hurray! Now we can save poor Cinnamon Bear.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, wait, wait! Here’s a P.S. Be you one, or twenty eight, a single wish is all you’ll rate. Oh, gracious me! This is dreadful. Dreadful!
Jimmy: Why, Crazy Quilt?
Crazy Quilt: Well, Melissa’s instructions said, ‘The Wishing Well is where to go to find out what you want to know,’ and we wanted to know how to get the broken silver star back together again, didn’t we?
Judy: Sure, we did.
Crazy Quilt: I’m positive Melissa meant for us to use the wish for that purpose.
Jimmy: And the sign says we can only have one wish, so if we use it to pull Cinnamon Bear out of the well, we won’t be able to get the star fixed.
Crazy Quilt: That’s what it amounts to, Jimmy.
Judy: Well, I don’t care. We’ve just got to get dear Paddy O’Cinnamon out of that black old well. ‘Course I’ll feel awful about not getting our beautiful silver star mended, but Cinnamon Bear is our friend, and we can’t leave him there. So we’ll just hurry up and wish him out.
Crazy Quilt: That’s your privilege, Judy, but it seems to me that his carelessness doesn’t deserve such loyalty. And remember, Christmas is getting closer and closer and closer, so if you expect…
Judy: Oh, dear. I don’t know what to say. But poor Paddy… I… I’ve just got to help him. Wishing Well, I wish the Cinnamon Bear to be up here with us, right this very minute.
Cinnamon Bear: Oooooh! Wow! Am I glad to be out of that. Excuse me just a moment while I shake out my extra special stuffing a bit.
Judy: We’re so glad to see you again, Cinnamon Bear.
Jimmy: You bet. For a while you had us pretty worried.
Crazy Quilt: Hmm… I hope you’re satisfied, Paddy O’Cinnamon, now that you’ve ruined the children’s chances for getting their silver star fixed.
Cinnamon Bear: What do you mean? Say that again, you miserable excuse for a bed quilt!
Crazy Quilt: Gladly, you cheap imitation fur coat!
Cinnamon Bear: What’s that? Hold your tongue there, or I’ll growl my most ferocious growl at you.
Crazy Quilt: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ferocious growl, indeed. You’ll do better to hang your stuffed head in shame. Judy and Jimmy have used up the only wish they can have just to fish you out of the well!
Cinnamon Bear: Is this true?
Jimmy: Well… just… sort of…
Judy: It doesn’t matter, Cinnamon Bear. You couldn’t help it.
Cinnamon Bear: Aw, Judy. Jimmy, I’m so terribly sorry. I don’t know what to say, I…
Judy: Now everything’s going to be all right, and we’ll get the silver star all fixed when we go back to Melissa and explain how we used up our wish.
Jimmy: Sure we will! Melissa’s awful nice. She’ll help us out again.
Crazy Quilt: And speaking of helping us out, what do you say we help us out of the Wishing Woods?
Cinnamon Bear: That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said in five minutes, Crazy Quilt. Oh, look. There’s a sort of a path over there. It’s not a very good one, but at least we can try it.
Jimmy: Might as well. Even if it doesn’t take us out of the woods, maybe it’ll lead us to somebody who can tell us the way.
Crazy Quilt: Spoken like a true pioneer, Jimmy. Onward!
Judy: Ooo… It’s an awful narrow path, Crazy Quilt. I think we’d all better go single file.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, but definitely, Judy. I’m not at all anxious to have my beautiful patches torn by this underbrush.
Jimmy: Hey! I think I can see out of the woods.
Judy: Already? Why, this is the best luck we’ve had in ever so long!
Jimmy: The trees aren’t so thick now, and I think there’s a clear place ahead.
Crazy Quilt: Ah! That would be a relief indeed.
Cinnamon Bear: What’s the matter, Crazy? Have you been scared ‘cause it was so dark?
Crazy Quilt: One more word out of you, fuzzy pants, and I’m very liable to forgo my usual composure and paddle your cinnamon trousers for you!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, yeah?
Jimmy: Hold it! I don’t think we can get out this way.
Judy: Why not, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Well, there’s nothing out here but mud. Far as I can see either way, mud.
Cinnamon Bear: Uh, let me look. Jumpin’ jellyfish! It’s mud for a fact!
Crazy Quilt: Bless my Crazy Quilt aunt if it isn’t. A regular river of mud. Probably runs the whole length of the woods.
Judy: It doesn’t look very wide.
Crazy Quilt: No, but it’s too wide to jump across, and I couldn’t swim in that stuff. Ugh! It’s thick and oozy and no telling how deep. Uh-uh. I’ll have to draw the line there.
Judy: Oh! I see a sign over there, Cinnamon Bear.
Cinnamon Bear: What does it say?
Judy: Private: No muddling. Huh! Oh my goodness!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, my! I wonder what that could be, OW! Say! Which one of you threw that mud at me? Right in me eye!
Crazy Quilt: Don’t look at me. Though I might have the inclination, I’d hardly lower myself to mudslinging.
Judy: Jimmy and I wouldn’t do it, Cinnamon Bear.
Cinnamon Bear: Well, who did it, then? I’d like to know!
Voices: Nya! Nya! Nya!
Judy: Oh, my gracious! Look at that!
Cinnamon Bear: W-W-W-Wha-What are they?
Jimmy: Willikers! They look something like people, only they’re all made out of mud, and they’re three times bigger than we are.
Voices: Nya! Nya! Nya!
Cinnamon Bear: There’s only two of them, thank goodness, but, oh, they’re awful looking!
Crazy Quilt: Let me handle them. This takes diplomacy. Greetings, fellow travelers! Who might you be?
Voices: Nya! Nya! Muddler: We’re the Muddlers. Here’s how!
Crazy Quilt: Well, Oh! You ruffians. Throw mud at Crazy Quilt will you?
Muddler: Nya! And here’s for the rest of you.
Judy: Oh! Jimmy, don’t let them do it!
Jimmy: You bet I won’t! Hey, you let my sister alone, you dirt and water bums!
Muddler 1: Let him have it! He insulted us!
Muddler 2: Right, Captain McMudd!
Jimmy: Ha-Ha! Missed me!
Captain McMudd: What’s wrong, Mudly? Losing your grip?
Mudly: Sorry, Captain. Better luck this time. Nya! Here’s mud in your eye!
Jimmy: Missed again!
Judy: Oh, Jimmy, I’m afraid! They’re so big and ugly.
Crazy Quilt: Wait a bit, dirty face. What prompts all this vicious mudslinging? I’ve never been so insult… uh! Oh! Oh, my beautiful colors!
Mudly: We need target practice, don’t we, Captain McMudd?
Captain McMudd: Ha! We’ll teach you to come around our sacred mud baths.
Cinnamon Bear: Yow! Got me again. Just wait till I get my paws on you!
Captain McMudd: How’re you doing, Mudly?
Mudly: Fair to Mudland, Captain. Got that fuzzy beast square on the schnozzola. Nya!
Cinnamon Bear: He certainly did. I’m a cinnamon mess.
Mudly: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! If your Mudder could only see ya now! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Crazy Quilt: I think we’ll have to run for it. These Muddlers are nasty creatures. Come on, children, back into the woods.
Captain McMudd: No you don’t. They’re trying to get away, Mudly. Head ‘em off.
Mudly: Okay, Captain! Should I yell for the rest of the mud guards?
Captain McMudd: Naw! We can handle ‘em!
Judy: Maybe they’d let us go if we gave them something.
Jimmy: We haven’t got anything to give ‘em!
Crazy Quilt: How about your little looking glass, Judy?
Judy: Yes, I’ll try that. Would you Muddlers let us alone if I gave you this pretty looking glass?
Captain McMudd: No! We don’t want you to give us nothing. But here’s something for you!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh!
Crazy Quilt: Oh, dear, got me again!
Muddlers: Nya! Nya! Nya!
Judy: Poor Crazy Quilt. You’re keeping those awful Muddlers from hitting us.
Crazy Quilt: Oh, that’s alrig… That’s alright. Glad to help. Well, Paddy O’Cinnamon? What are you doing for the cause? Hiding behind me?
Cinnamon Bear: I’m thinking, I am. Strategist, that’s me.
Crazy Quilt: Indeed, and what? Ouch! And what piece of strategy have you cooked up?
Cinnamon Bear: Well, it’s coming. I’ll tell you when I got it straight.
Crazy Quilt: Well, if it’s going to do us any good, you’d better get it soon.
Cinnamon Bear: Youch!! I got it. I got it!
Crazy Quilt: Ha-Ha-Ha! So I noticed, right on the nose.
Cinnamon Bear: Oh, no, not that. I mean the idea. Judy, try the magic lunch box. See if they’ll let us go if you give it to them.
Judy: I’ll try, Paddy. Please, please, Mister Muddlers. Look what I’ve got for you.
Muddler: Nya? Well what is it?
Judy: It’s a ‘specially magical box with all sorts of goodies in it. Cookies and sandwiches… and…
Muddlers: Goodies! Sandwiches! Cookies! Nya! Get ’em! Nya! Nya! Ooo! Ooo!
Jimmy: What’s the matter? Wouldn’t you like that?
Muddler: No! We never eat anything but mud pies.
Judy: Oh, dear. What ever can we do now?
Captain McMudd: Come on, Mudly. I’m fed up throwing mud. Let’s give ‘em the works.
Mudly: You mean push ’em in the mud river?
Captain McMudd: Nya, shove ‘em in. Let ‘em soak a while. Then we’ll come back and make mud statues out of them.
Judy: No! No! Don’t! Jimmy, they’re coming after us!
Cinnamon Bear: Oh! I can’t! They’ve got us.
Crazy Quilt: We’re in for it now!
Muddler: Nya! Nya! You mean you’re in it now. Help yourselves, friends. We’ll be back after you’re all soaked up. Nya! Nya! Nya!
Jimmy: Are you alright, Judy?
Judy: Oh, Jimmy! I can’t touch bottom, and I just keep sinking.
Jimmy: Cinnamon Bear’s got his mouthful of mud.
Crazy Quilt: Climb on my back, everybody. Come on, Judy. Jimmy. There. You made it Paddy. Now I’ll try and swim.
Judy: Please do, Crazy Quilt. Please do. You’ve just got to.
Jimmy: Can you do it, Crazy Quilt? Can you?
Crazy Quilt: I… I can’t make it… I… I ….
Judy: Jimmy! Jimmy! We’re sinking!
Crazy Quilt: Oh dear!
Announcer: Mmm, Mmm! This looks mighty serious, doesn’t it? That mud is awfully thick and black, and goodness knows how deep it is. Will Crazy Quilt be able to get them out? Well let’s just hope they can keep their heads up until next time, so we can find out what happens.